Friday 7 November 2014

Douglas DENNY's Ukip Resignation Letter

Douglas DENNY's Ukip Resignation Letter
Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! .
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  
Douglas DENNY's Ukip Resignation Letter - Having been the victim of the corrupt methods of Ukip which he instituted with lies and so often used!!


here is Douglas Denny's resignation letter from Ukip, undated as received:

Dear colleagues and friends,

I am very sorry to have to say, I have today made the decision to resign from UKIP.

By being deselected as the candidate for Portsmouth South it has made my position in the party untenable and impossible to support the party any longer.

Nigel and the leadership hierarchy have demonstrated conclusively that they are willing to manipulate the MP candidates' selection process by the ruse of proclaiming chosen 'targetted' seats, and have changed the rules recently to allow this to be done, and where the NEC can choose the candidate rather than the membership of the branch. Those choosing will be under the shadow of Nigel Farage.

It is direct interference with the fundamental principles of democracy in the party.

The changed rules allowing this interference (which are on the website) state any decision in choosing a candidate is to be made jointly by the NEC and with the branch constituency concerned. No such discussions happened with Portsmouth South, where I have assisted the chairman and others in starting the branch and obtaining six councillors in the recent local elections from nothing before.
The deselection was arbitrarily announced with no consultation or warning to branch chairman or myself. I am apparently, "free to stand anywhere else" - but not in Portsmouth South ! This is sheer nonsense by any standard, and reflects the cynical desire to stop a particular candidate now it is known (after eighteen months of the candidate becoming known publicly as the UKIP candidate for the election) ....that it is a winnable seat. What hypocrisy! what anti-democracy shown by the party that declares it is the only truly democratic party in Britain.

Blatant interference with constituency candidates has never been done before in UKIP, and especially where an already properly adopted canidate for a general election was exclusively chosen by the constituency branch members. What has happened to Portsmouth South is in my opinion immoral, undemocratic, and deeply corrupt.

This gerrymandering by subtle manipulation of the candidates' listings was introduced for the first time in UKIP with the MEP selection process too, promoted by various officers at top level and others. I became very unpopular at the top by trying to stop it. Perhaps I have lived with knowing what I believe to be inherent corruption in the party for far too long, and been nieve in thinking I could ameliorate it.

UKIP has come of age in British politics. It was for a while, but it is no longer, the truly democtratic "Peoples Party" its leader proclaims. No longer is it the political party "different to all the rest by being transparent and honest" ...which I joined in 1999. Sad but true.

ON a more positive note: UKIP has nearly completed its task and it's only role in British politics, which I set out to help accomplish over twenty years ago, initially with the Referendum Party - to force the other political parties into a position to give the British people a referendum on membership of the EU. This is now being implemented by the Conservative Party due to the pressure of UKIP.

Once a referendum is achieved, UKIP's original role is then finished. It's raison d'etra will then be extinct, and as a party it will fade into the obscurity of footnotes in history. Nevertheless, I am still proud to have been a part of it for over fifteen years to help being it to its peak now and force a referendum for the British people on remaining in the EU.

Douglas Denny.

West Sussex.
Let us not forget it was Douglas Denny who was so material in rigging Ukip internal elections and selection processes for many years as Nigel Farage's stooge. Material in setting up the very processes that resulted in his own destruction!


 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
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Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01594 528 337
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Thursday 6 November 2014

What Goes Around Comes Around in Ukip For The Corrupt Douglas Denny

What Goes Around Comes Around in Ukip For The Corrupt Douglas Denny
Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! .
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!

What Goes Around Comes Around in Ukip For The Corrupt Douglas Denny after his lies and abuse for Nigel Farage he now realises what rigging elections and selections for Farage’s party feels like when the victim!


after all those years of telling lies on behalf of Nigel Farage and corruptly rigging elections for him it would seem his own dishonesty has caught up with him and Farage’s authoritarian central control of the party, in denial of democratic principles is now working against him – effectively Douglas Denny hasn’t a leg to stand on as he discovers loyalty in Ukip is a one way street.
Douglas Denny is finding out just what it is like to be at the receiving end of the sort of vile behaviour he was so long at the center of meting out his lies and distortions, a style Denny himself did so much to set up.

Ukip ditches its candidate for Portsmouth South

Douglas Denny
Douglas Denny
Roger Bird, general secretary of Ukip, confirmed to The News that Douglas Denny was no longer the prospective parliamentary candidate (PPC) following a decision by the party’s national executive committee (NEC).
It followed confusion about Mr Denny’s position, with the chairman of the Portsmouth Ukip branch unaware of the deselection and speaking of his shock when he was told yesterday.
Mr Denny was elected as the candidate by the local branch last year.
Mr Bird said the party’s ruling committee had removed Mr Denny from the position, but that he was free to apply to other constituencies.
‘He has responded so we know he has received this notification,’ said Mr Bird.
‘There have been other incidents where the NEC has chosen to open the field of candidates to a wider field.
‘It’s nothing personal against him. He’s a long-standing member of the party – someone for whom I have a lot of respect.’
Mr Bird added similar deselections had taken place in other constituencies.
He said: ‘It’s a more routine event than it might otherwise feel.
‘Internally we don’t see it as being serious or malicious or disciplinary. It’s simply a process which the party goes through.’
Stuart Potter, branch chairman, said he understood Mr Denny remained the candidate until The News notified him of a statement it had received from the party.
He said he was ‘not happy’ about the decision.
He added: ‘He would have been an exceedingly good candidate. We have put a lot of resources into Doug and got him known as the PPC. There’s been a lot of footwork done and he has been to meetings with us. It’s a bit of a shock, but we have to move forward.’
He said the branch would now have a new round of applications before a hustings later this year.
A party statement said Mr Denny’s position was withdrawn in early October ‘at which point the UKIP Portsmouth Association was informed’. Mr Bird added: ‘It seems as though communication has not filtered its way through the branch.’
Mr Denny was not available for comment.
To view the original of this article CLICK HERE

 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
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Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01594 528 337
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Monday 5 September 2011

Although Untrustworth & Proven Dishonest even Douglas Denny has his moments!

Although Untrustworth & Proven Dishonest even Douglas Denny has his moments!
Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!

Although Untrustworth & Proven Dishonest even Douglas Denny has his moments!

One can appreciate why the leadership of UKIP do not trust The NEC then again who on earth would trust UKIP leadership!!

Even Douglas Denny now realises that UKIP is a dictatorship under one man - Nigel Farage
Douglas Denny is far from amused after learning that Micheal Heaver - Farage sycophant - has been appointed to oversea an online money raising scheme WITHOUT the NEC's approval.

Denny complains that 'derogatory remarks' have been made about him after he queried Heaver's appointment.

He also states:

"However as an NEC member I knew nothing of it, had to fight to get information when I found out about it, and querying this business has not made me very popular at all with derogatory personal remarks made to me by those concerned. They clearly don't like me probing into what appears they consider their exclusive affairs.

I have received considerable resistance to my querying this issue including the minor irritation of a highly vitriolic personal attack from a certain lady NEC member.

Stewart Wheeler has refused to discuss the issue with me on the grounds it is wasting his UKIP time, and Steve Crowther has offered explanations which do not satisfy me. With further correspondence with him I have recieved his final say which is that he is worn out by my "churlish and aggressive" attitude. "

End of quote.

We do sympathise with his frustration and anger. However, it should not be forgotten that Mr Denny was more than happy to use similar "churlish and aggressive" tactics when attacking members such as Dr Edmond, Del Young, Robin Page, John West and David Abbott after they all tried to raise concerns about corruption in the party.

But at least Mr Denny now realises that UKIP is not democratic and is simply the plaything of one man - Nigel Farage. If only Mr Denny had realised this earlier!


The following has caused me some considerable annoyance.

I have had some limited e-mail correspondence with Stewart Wheeler and Steve Crowther regarding an issue which in my opinon is properly in the domain of the NEC - namely the appointment of an employee, and the details of the scheme behind the appointment - but it has already been decided without NEC discussion or approval.

This is wrong in my opinion and should not have happened.

Micheal Heaver has been appointed in a position to be paid a (considerable) salary for six months, underwritten as a loan to the party by Stewart Wheeler, for an online money raising scheme. This is of course very generous of him indeed and I recognise that. I also hope the scheme works very well for the party and is successful. However as an NEC member I knew nothing of it, had to fight to get information when I found out about it, and querying this business has not made me very popular at all with derogatory personal remarks made to me by those concerned. They clearly don't like me probing into what appears they consider their exclusive affairs.

In a report I received eventually after some trouble the relevant bit states:
We have received .....a proposal from Michael Heaver and Harry Aldridge on raising money through the internet. It obviously needs some discussion .......... Copy attached.
The proposal from Michael Heaver was agreed, as I have indicated, by all the F&RC. I discussed the question of Michael’s pay with Steve Crowther, who suggested £xxxxxxxx for six months. So I agreed that with Michael, who accordingly started on 8 August.

This has not been discussed in any way by the NEC. The decision has been made by the the Finances and Resources Committee with no reference to the NEC. The F&RC is a sub-committee of the NEC, its deliberations are, or should be, subject to NEC approval if of an important nature such as appointing an employee.

I do not have any quarrel or query about the money-raising scheme itself, nor can I as I have no detailed knowledge of it as a business plan.

I wanted to know if the party would in any way be liable for Mr Heaver's salary or other expenses with the scheme if things failed. I have not received an answer.

I wanted to know why the NEC has not been involved in discussion of this. I have not received an answer.

Appointing a UKIP employee for a money making scheme without any regard to the issue being first brought before the NEC for discussion is I think profoundly wrong. One of the F&RC thinks this is proposterous of me to suggest it.

I have received considerable resistance to my querying this issue including the minor irritation of a highly vitriolic personal attack from a certain lady NEC member.

Stewart Wheeler has refused to discuss the issue with me on the grounds it is wasting his UKIP time, and Steve Crowther has offered explanations which do not satisfy me. With further correspondence with him I have recieved his final say which is that he is worn out by my "churlish and aggressive" attitude.

I have insisted it be brought before the NEC for the next meeting for discussion as I want answers to the above questions. I have not been assured it will be.

The appointment however, and the details of the actual mechanics of the scheme are still not clear to me though they have already been approved to go ahead.

It is my opinon the NEC has been undemocratically by-passed. There are other issues of this nature extant which are of concern.

Members are now informed, should they wish to take it up as an issue themselves with the chairman of the NEC or the Party Treasurer.

Douglas Denny.
See also CLICK HERE 
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Sunday 5 June 2011

05-Jun-2011 - The Truth Makes A Fool of Douglas DENNY!

05-Jun-2011 - The Truth Makes A Fool of Douglas DENNY!
Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!
The Truth Makes A Fool of Douglas DENNY!
& Shows Him For The Liar He Is!!


« Reply #240 on: June 05, 2011, 10:55:46 PM » Reply with quote

Journalist to newly elected MEP;
"UKIP want the UK to leave the EU, so why are you taking up seats in the European Parliament, an institution you oppose."

Newly elected MEP to Journalist;
"Simple. We are going there to wreck it!"
Douglas Denny's response show that about 10 years too late the foolish little chap (UKIP NEC Sycophant & serial liar) is showing signs of waking up. I wonder if he will have the integrity to apologise for all his lies, fabrications of fantasies, gullibility and outright dishonesty. 
Personally I see no signs that he is either man enough or honourable - so I think not!

If only they could do some wrecking. But they cannot.

We have had MEPs for many years - tell me - how much actual wrecking have they achieved by being in the EU system in all this time?

All they are doing is engaging in the 'approved' and 'official' system. They are a part of it - absorbed and responding as required. With no real powers to do anything. They are political eunuchs.

They have become like cyborgs in the 'Startreck' movies:
Journalist to new mep in reply:-   "Resistance is will be absobed into the Collective".


 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
Reclaim YOUR Future 
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
(IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate) .
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Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 - 62 65 62

Tuesday 24 May 2011

24-May-2011 - Clearly The Kettle & The Pot Fall Out The Liar Denny

24-May-2011 - Clearly The Kettle & The Pot Fall Out The Liar Denny.
Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!
Clearly The Kettle & The Pot Fall Out!!
The Corrupt & Duplicitous Liar Denny berates The Corrupt & Duplicitous Liar Bannerman!!


Fair play to him one of UKIP's village idiots who has lied, cheated and defamed having been taken for and shown to be a fool has had to admit they were so stupid that they didn't see David Bannerman's defection and betrayal of UKIP coming.

From the very start when I have regularly predicted it on my various blogs and 'e'Mails the idiot Douglas Denny was telling endless lies and inventing desperate fantasy scenarios to try to defame me for consistently and continuously telling the truth.

Even now, humiliated as he is, we doubt he will be man enough to issue the apology he must surely have the intelligence to know that he owes me and numerous others for his lies.

You can read more of this odious liar Douglas Denny with fact after fact corroborating our statement of fact that Douglas Denny is a liar, a cheat and a fantasist embroilled up to his neck in the frauds and thefts from the public purse and members and a prime mover in the rigging of corrupt internal elections in UKIP on this blog and others.

This is his latest homily - having betrayed Britain, the electorate UKIP members and more he now calls the pot black!
Dear David,

To learn of your defection to the Conservative Party after years of your denouncing them is the most cynical, self-serving act of betrayal I know of in all the years of politics that I have been engaged in.

I am appalled and disgusted with you: - a person who I thought had integrity but has now proven without a shadow of doubt how shallow in principles you really are.

What is worse for me personally to learn of this event, is I considered you a friend too, someone invited to stay under my roof, eaten at my table, and considered a trusted companion on the road towards a great cause for Britain against the EU; a person who had previously denounced all the other cynical political parties - especially the Conservatives - who have been for over thirty years and still are - busy selling the country down the river..... and now you have joined them !! For what? ... your own selfish, power-greed, tongue-slavering, money-grabbing reasons? What a traitor ! What a Judas! How can you can face yourself in the mirror every day?

To salvage any kind of credibility as a decent human being you should now resign your MEP position - so hard worked for and gained on the back of UKIP's many workers who deserve better than you by far !

Resign, and I shall accept you still as an honourable person but understand that you cannot continue with UKIP (for whatever reasons) - then, and only then, at least you will have done the decent thing.

Stay as an MEP, having got there under the UKIP banner only to have defected and distanced yourself from your own previously announced principles - espoused so volubly for years under UKIP's name - and you will prove to all you are as base as the lowest on the planet.

Douglas Denny.
NEC member. UKIP.
Yes clearly The Kettle and The Pot have fallen out!
 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
Reclaim YOUR Future 
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
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Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 - 62 65 62

Monday 16 May 2011

16-May-2011 - Those who seek to undermine Farage undermine UKIP.

16-May-2011 - Those who seek to undermine Farage undermine UKIP.
Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable!
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  
Those who seek to undermine Farage undermine UKIP!

Clearly only a child or a fool would believe such a statement or of course someone who was a proven liar and utterly corrupt sycophant like Mick McGough - of no personal merit or worth who found with his tongue firmly placed for licking their incompetence and vile personality was overlooked!

I have unfortunately only received the comments of the main protagonist and an aside from Steve Allison - suffice to say with information leaks there are perforce some parts missing!

Though it seems Douglas Denny is in his dottage waking up to the reality that he has been duped and taken for the fool he so clearly was.

Perhaps it is his conscience after so many defamatory lies and general dishonesty that Denny used in the past to abuse people who dared to seek out the truth which so embarrassed him he felt the need to cover his personal involvement and that of his 'chums'.

Unfortunately I do not have the whole of his confession nor the documentation which he had but I understand he has now handed to a UKIP MEP - lt us see what integrity that MEP can muster!

In answer to the Strap Line:

Those who seek to undermine Farage undermine UKIP.
It would seem Douglas Denny comments:
This statement is heavily loaded with innuendo and is inaccurate.  Not everyone who wishes to undermine the Leader are ( -actively- for that is what is implied) {wishing} to undermine the party. They may have other valid reasons for not wishing to co-operate with the Leader.  It happens in all political parties.

This is not to approve of course,  of Marta biting the hand that fed her - and I mean the party.

I have read the "blogg" article and and it is a very pro-Nigel Farage homily spun with no acknowledgement or account of the known failings of NF which, in themselves, have in the past and possible present, caused problems for the party.
The author forgets: it takes two to Tango.

I made it clear I did not want Nigel to be Leader again at the leadership elections and said exactly why - and those reasons are now becoming apparent, especially the main one which I will now repeat. (On this private forum only).

I emphasise have not publicly criticised Nigel since the leadership election as he is the Leader, and does indeed have a large mandate from the membership.
That is not to fail to recognise and deny he has faults however, but I do not fully express them now as it is counter-productive to the party.  If this is the only point Mr. Heaver is trying to make, then I agree with him.

What I think is worth repeating though is: I think the main problem with any leader of a political party is they develop enemies and malcontents within the party and without,  with their leadership,  over a long period of time if they stay in the job for a very long period. Margaret Thatcher is a classic axample of this.  She was an excellent Leader, but they still threw her out for spurious reasons.  That is why I think leaders should stand down, or be changed regardless every now and then. (Every three or five years? -debate).

This effect causes problems of the kind we are now seeing.  It is up to those who are malcontent for whatever reasons to either pull their weight behind the party or re-consider what they are doing.

Leadership does not mean there is an automatic requirement of blind obedience from others however (unless you are in the military)  - it means bringing people together towards a common cause through example and charisma so that people want to to follow..... Douglas Denny.


I have read the "blogg" article and and it is a very pro-Nigel Farage homily spun with no acknowledgement or account of the known failings of NF which, in themselves, have in the past and possible present, caused problems for the party.
Steve Allisons comment:
Doug, you didn't need to read the blog post to know this. All you need to read was the title and the name of the author. There are certain people in this party for whom the concept of Nigel not being 100% correct is something they cannot even imagine, let alone actually put into words. To expect Michael Heaver to question Farage in any way is like expecting a blog post by a Catholic Cardinal questioning the doctrine of Papal Infallibility! Unthinkable.

All Hail!! Gaius Nigellus Caesar! Those who speak ill of him do so of the Republic! Yea, kneel down and kiss of his arse, mortals!!!

Nigel's a good bloke, we get it. I certainly support him; but there are reasons to criticise him and the one thing that is guaranteed to destroy a political party in a democracy is a sycophantic personality cult that rewards toadying - sorry, "loyalty" - to a man over wisdom and competence and devotion to a cause.

If UKIP takes that route, it is no better than the LibLabCon parties and its high admonitions on the lack of'democracy' and 'liberty' are not worth a fig.
Steve Allison's response:
This is exactly the route that UKIP is taking! Any organisation that believes it is 100% dependent upon one man for its success or failure has started down the path to ultimate destruction. Graveyards are full of people who were indispensable!. If the crash last year had been serious enough that Nigel had died, which I would never wish on anyone, even my worst enemy, or he had been so badly injured that he had to leave politics, are these people who claim Nigel is UKIP's only hope also saying the party would have collapsed and now no longer exist?

When Nigel departs UKIP, because it is WHEN and not IF, then UKIP will continue and may even be stronger in the long term,  in fact I think it will be stronger in the long term without Nigel. Any gardener will tell you that when one branch on a bush grows so large that it overshadows the rest of the the branches then it's time for the overgrown branch to be pruned back, otherwise the shape of the bush is destroyed and the longer the singe branch is allowed to grow the harsher the pruning becomes!

Douglas Denny adds his farthing's worth:
I disagree with this statement too which is also inaccurate.

There were other suitable candidates,  two of which would have made perfectly good leaders in my opinon;  an opinon  based on having supported three Leaders already in the past and seen their efforts.

As Steve Allison rightly says - if Nigel had been killed in the aircraft crash UKIP would have gone on regardless, and would still achieve the kind of success we already enjoy.   The party would have gone in a different direction in some respects,  which might or might not have speeded up that process. Overall though, it is my experience in politics that leaders efforts are more useful during thier term with infrastructure changes and general party direction,  and  the aspect of personalities only becomes important and into the forefront of politics if they are in the focus of the media, - which for UKIP is at election times - and only if they get the media presence, and that only in the last week before an election.

The reason Nigel had such a large poll with the members is because they have never heard of the others much at all,  excepting DCB perhaps.  He did not do well, so cannot have such a well-known or acceptable profile in the party as I thought might be the case.     Nigel, however,  is so well known in the party you could put him up for election as God and he will probably get 60%.

Tim Congden would have made an excellent leader,  and I like his stance on MEPs and UKIP's efforts being more UK-centric, which resonates with me a lot,  so if there is another leadership election in due course and he stands I shall have to think carefully next time who to go for depending on the candidates and their policy in this respect. Who knows? TC could be the one !
Some others might make good leaders too, but were total unknowns.

Douglas Denny.
Then in response to an apparent interjection Denny continues:
No spat here on this subject.  It's called rational, informed debate.
This minion,  dogsbody,  jobbing party worker would like to know what the MEPs are doing exactly too but does not actually know, as he is not told.
Whatever it is, it is, but one thing's for sure - if it's in Brussels, it is of little use to getting Britain out of the EU.

I find snippets of information about what they do from the internet like you.

It would seem that Douglas Denny is making steps, all be they tiny, towards honesty and telling the truth which must be very difficult for him after so many years telling lies, cheating and inventing childish conspiracy theories to cover up the corruption he was party to.

Leopards DO change their spots - it is a measure of their maturity!

Though I doubt Douglas Denny will ever be man enough to apologise for his lies and his defamatory comments and inventions regarding myself, Niall Warry and others.
 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
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(IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate) .
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Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 - 62 65 62